Power supply and 10-steps brightness and CT (color temperature) controller located at the lateral of Aluminum case.
The first 5 seconds after Power-ON was defined as “synchronous” function, any ON/OFF toggle was treated to activate synchronous function.
The feature of synchronous can set all lights to specific brightness and CT together as troffer lights have set to different power or CT level before. (The detail please referred to user manual.)
User can wait 5 seconds if user want to skip “synchronous”, user can jump to brightness and CT setting.
5-steps brightness and 5-steps CT are adjustable by ON/OFF toggle, Single ON/OFF toggle is defined as Brightness change and Continuous twice ON/OFF toggle is defined as CT change. (The detail please referred to user manual.)
Brightness (output power) and CT (Color Temperature): There are five levels of Brightness and listed as following: 43W, 34W, 23W, 12W and 9W; CT listed as following: 100%/0 ,75%/25% ,50%/50% ,25%/75% , 0/100%
The sequence is showed as below:
Single and twice toggle can be mixed use during brightness and CT setting.
Final setting will be stored as customer keep setting more than 2 hours.